We’re coming in fresh, with an honest look at things and a desire to serve.”

Houston Press: Frontrunners Jarvis Johnson and Molly Cook Are In A Runoff For Former State Senator John Whitmire's Seat

“The obstacles are going to be nonstop. I have found that the most successful way to fight is to be doggedly persistent. You don’t have to necessarily piss everyone off every time. You just don’t stop,” Cook said. “That is a skill and a personality trait that I have, and I am going to bring with me to the Texas Senate.”

“It’s not just the same old, same old,” Cook said. “It’s fresh work, it’s a fresh perspective. No one is trying to bribe me. We’re coming in fresh, with an honest look at things and a desire to serve.”


“I owe my success to my team, our volunteers and donors, and every one person who cast their vote last night”


“I’m extremely hopeful and extremely excited.”